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Formula Student

This way to a look-back on our event:


The Formula Student is an international competition for teams of students. Self designed and constructed formula cars are battling each other in events around the world. The goal is to figure out the best concepts within the borders of the rules and limited resources. Participating at Formula Student expands the theoretical study contents to practical experience in the fields of designing, construction, testing and project management. 

Our Participations

06.08.2018 - 12.08.2018             Formula Students Ungary

06.08.2018 - 12.08.2018             Formula Students Germany

The project leads the students to the interdisciplinary working methods how they are usual in the industry. The made decisions according to the design of the car and how it has been realized but also the budget plan and presentations are rated by a jury.


The jury members represent racing sport, car and supplier. The teams can gain 1000 points in 8 disciplines. We from AMDA building cars with fuel engines and compete the class "Formula Student Combustion". 2018 we preparing for joining the European events in Germany, Austria, England, Spain and Hungary.

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